Adventures in Stepford
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The Unfriending
The 2.0 saga continues, using emails I sent to a childhood friend as a framework. We are at August/Sept 2009

...But now that you're here, I just feel like I'm constantly dreaming. Something's gotta go wrong 'cause I'm feelin' way too damn good... -nickelback

so. let it be known that throughout 2009 i made some weakass attempts to end things with g until he decided what he was doing, i.e. leave her already. he would argue that he was addicted to me, he was trying to figure out how to do this, don't you want to see where this is headed?, etc and i was weak as dishwater where he is concerned - still am - and would forget any attempt to 'do the right thing' because frankly i did the right thing for years in my own marriage and it stayed miserable and stagnant and awful.

so fcuk the right thing, i'm thinking at this point, i'm in it for the Happy. and omg, was i happy.

So the week before the photo exhibit in g's kitchen, i had gone to Transition to pee in a cup and all required new job tasks prior to my move. My very best friend while I was living in Pastville, alyssa, is now in Transition, and i contact her and am going to stay with her the night before my employee health stuff and apt-hunting day. Alyssa is the reason I know Glenn & Lucy, she's the reason that living in Pastville was one of the happiest 6 years of my life, because she introduced me to this whole group of people and their way of life.

A psychological fact about AIS, as long time readers will recall: I cannot stand to be left out, stems from childhood horrors that will bore you, but just know that. It's one of the reasons I was so happy in Pastville to be part of a group of people who included me and always had events going on. always. it's one of the reasons The Husband's affair laid me out - it's the ultimate leftout. so. fact to know about me. stand by.

turns out the day i'm going to see alyssa, she & lucy talk on the phone, and lucy finds out i am moving back to Transition (a mere 1.5 hours from Pastville, much closer than the 4 hours away like Stepford) and has a DUCK. quack.

glenn texts me: 'be warned, she didn't tell alyssa any details- only that she hates you.'

well that's good enough, since lucy & i were friends before. so fuck, what to do? well, i'll just see if alyssa says anything. g says alyssa was his friend first years ago, so she'll be on his 'side' when it comes out about us. me, i'm not so sure of that.

so i spend the night at alyssa's - haven't seen her in like 13 years, we have dinner and wine and laugh and reminisce and look at old photos from our years in Pastville. she drops lucy's name a lot and also 'glenn & lucy' a lot, and i don't bite.

because: having seen more recent photos and hearing stories that night, alyssa & lucy are still pretty tight and that is not something i feel right about disclosing after i have been out of the friend loop for years now. I wasn't gonna disclose the whole 'i'm having a big fat affair with g' but more long the lines of they are not happily married like it appears... i don't know. anyway i never did say anything that night.

she tells me about an apt complex near her condo that is really nice, we hop in the car and drive the 5 minutes to see the location to add to my list (and buy more wine) and it's that apt where I'm typing from right this minute. i moved here to be near where she lives because we used to have so much fun together & we were excited to be friends again.

the next day, while i am out looking at apts, she txts me:
'i just talked to lucy, what happened?'
- she's mentioning this a day after the fact which is weird. i guess since i never said anything last night, in my chickensh!t fashion, that she was poking to see what was up.
i text her back that: it's too much info for a text that i will tell her when i see her in person next week, and that no matter what i do not want her in the middle.
She replies: 'whatever it is will not effect my friendship with you or my friendship with lucy' This was so grown-up a concept I was awestruck with respect.

there is going to be a time gap between when i am to start the new job and when i'm supposed to move in my apt, so i'm planning to stay with alyssa, who offered, for one week. the night before i am to go there, she calls me. lucy is blowing up her phone telling her she is no friend to her if she lets me stay there, that's it's disrespecting their friendship, blahblah. so alyssa feels like sh!t and says, "if you are still talking to glenn i don't want to know, and i don't want to tell you you cant stay here the night before you are coming. so if we don't tell lucy, you can stay with me."
i say, "no way am i putting you in the middle of this, not fair of lucy to do this to you, i will find somewhere else to stay, i'm so sorry". alyssa says, "i will make it up to you when you get to Transition".

i sign my lease a week early and sleep on a sleeping bag on the floor. We have another friend Tana, from Pastville days, who also is now living in Transition. I have been in contact with her prior to the move as well. SO - midway thru the week in the sleeping bag, I get a facebook message from tana informing me she has unfriended me, that she talked to lucy this week, and while there are two sides to every story and she is glad to hear mine, what she's heard so far sounds pretty bad and good luck to me.

Unfriended. In an empty apartment. in a sleeping bag with my iphone. damn. so i think: fcuk, i wonder if alyssa has unfriended me too. i look and sure as sh!t, alyssa is off my facebook friends list too, and she didn't even bother to tell me. Lucy is systematically trying to ruin my life - and not doing too bad a job at it, by this point.

So. to recap, i am in a new city where i know NOBODY now, on the gd floor of my apartment, eating microwave dinners with plastic forks I fished out of my car's glove compartment like some city version of Survivor, and the people who were going to give me a social life have disafuckingppeared and hate me. Awesome.


posted by Adventures in Stepford @ 7:41 PM  
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And now, with God's help, I shall become myself
-Søren Kierkegaard

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