Adventures in Stepford
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Sparklers & The Torch
"The love that is had in a Marriage is like a Torch. When first lit, it shines brightly and shows the way through the darkness. Over time the light dims, but is still there burning. An affair is like a Fourth of July Sparkler. The light is overpowering and hard to ignore, but burns out so quickly that once your eyes adjust, the Torch once again becomes the beacon in the night."

No, these aren't my eloquent words but a man who is suffering through his wife's continued affair with a married man, while hoping she will eventually look back toward him and turn her bus around. WTF is wrong with people? Oh, it just makes me want to thrust hot pokers into flesh, it is so fcuking wrong to do this to anyone, much less the person you married.

Winding down now. Make way for the crazy lady. My next show will be in 45 minutes. Carry on.


posted by Adventures in Stepford @ 8:50 PM  
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-Søren Kierkegaard

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