[2011 Summer of deletion/reposting note: I have no HTML in these archived posts, so the actual audio player I speak of below is lost to the ages, no music embedded in these lyrical gangsta posts any longer. Yet to be historically accurate, I kept all the original stuff I said]
Woot! I am such a dork for being this excited about conquering-the-code, but I went back and put players on some of the blog posts that have song lyrics so you can listen, too, while you read.
My personal angst and self-discovery, set to music:
06 Aug 2006 Baker Baker
15 Sept 2006 Headlock
20 Sept 2006 A Murder of One
I'm still hunting out the old posts with lyrics and making a list of songs to upload. If you know of some free spots to upload music files, let me know! I'm getting low on the freebie account of hddweb.com I found.