Adventures in Stepford
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Take, Eat
The following is a mish-mash of words I've read from all over the place that have spoken to me about myself, my husband, marriage, and all the usual suspects.

Mat 16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Those who want to come with me must say no to the things they want, pick up their crosses, and follow me.

Jesus carried his own cross. We had nothing to do with that. Like Jesus, we have to carry our own cross, whatever that cross may be.
It's only through experimentation that you will discover what God wants you to do. You can't learn anything about the grace of God without being in a community (i.e. alone).
If you are alone, you can't learn to bear the burdens of others, love others, forgive others and learn from others.

-from the blog I Will Not Eat The Darkness

*Forgiveness means giving up all hope of a better past

*You hurt him then. Today he hurts himself with this knowledge. He makes himself miserable with the facts of the past. You are not hurting him still, he is using your past actions to hurt himself in the present. Things like this should not be held over another's head. Either he gets over it or he doesn't - it's his problem to deal with, and if he wants to make you a part of the solution, he can ask, but you can not solve this problem for him. In time he will have to accept his part in the mess and forgive you for yours.

*There is enormous love in forgiveness - and forgiving is something that needs to happen on a regular basis.

*I began to see how I loved the self-pity, holding the moral high ground and the self-righteousness I had in our marriage crisis. It really struck me and I confessed it to God.

*God answers prayer. It seems he delights in answering the prayers of people who are seeking to humble themselves and become more Christlike.

*The situation won't change until someone in the situation changes.

*Maybe the best is still to come.

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posted by Adventures in Stepford @ 7:45 PM  
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